Monday, March 9, 2009

The Language of Letting Go

The language of letting go is releasing the energies of the old. 

The language of letting go is about giving ourselves permission to experience and express our feelings. 

The language of letting go is being present in the moment to receive all the wonderful opportunities that life is bringing to us. 

We are the light that has the power to set ourselves free.

I understand now why the light of others has come into my life. 
Light seeks out life. 
It is no wonder why we believe the dead search for the comfort of light. 
It isn't to torture with reckless indifference and disregard. 
It was to cause us to pause, take stock and notice. 

He's standing in front of me. 
He saying to me, breathe. 
The He is you. 
The He is me. 
My god, I get it now. 
He's light is cascading all over me. 
I feel it. 
Can you?

Now I recognize why our embrace left me shivering long after. 
His light re-ignited my internal flame. 
The question no longer begs to be asked. 
And all I can do is release tears.

Taken from a note by Anthony Ortiz in Facebook.
These excerpts were choosen by Christopher Michaels to post a comment on that note.

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