Sunday, April 12, 2009

About Being Gay...

I remember my mother correcting my posture when I was a kid...
Hitting me in the hands when I gesture more than needed...
She never said it was girly...
She said I looked like a bird... Those birds that eat garbage...

I remember planning to kill myself.

I was too coward to do it.
Even though I tried several times while in my teen days...
I am one of those lucky ones that made it through even if my parents kicked me out of home...

There are many that never make it through.

Today I have a good relationship with my parents, however this is a conversation that is totally avoided.
That makes me sad.
But at least I am alive.
And I learn how to "truly" live life.

A movie totally worth watching!

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Brahms said...

One day i wanna c parents just like that! I wanna c the world just like that! I wanna c mankind, just like that!

Alesita said...

Hey wonderful, I really really love reading your blog. Eveerytime I discover how life sometimes it's hard to everyone, buy also I discover why people are really value. Love tons!