Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Help me spread the word!!!

My friends have started a campaign to help me out spread the word about weekeego!

Check Oksana's post here.

They do believe in weekeego's ideals and philosophy, and want to support the local communities that partner with us in their search for alternatives to increase their income in a responsible manner, using tourism as a way for it, preserving and enhancing their local culture, heritage and natural resources.

Wanna help out as well?

Simple, check the website, get immerse in what we are doing, and if you think is worth spreading the word, make a post in your blog and let us know about it!

Don't hesitate to send us your comments, suggestions and/or questions to

You can also follow us here in blogger, or here in twitter, or subscribe here to our youtube channel, or our facebook group and page.

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