Friday, December 14, 2007

About my own expectations

Signs are all over the place.
I open my eyes and see...
I open my heart and follow...
I open my mind and listen...
I open my will and achieve!

Just in the moment when I was starting to question my expectations about my work and my life, the following quote from Michelangelo showed up randomly in front of me.

“The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short, but in setting our aim to low and achieving our mark.”


See some more awesome quotes of Michelangelo here.

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1 comment:

Jean Penny said...

hi Dey,
thanks for the quote. I found your blog just by chance, just today.
Just started a new job 2 weeks ago, and I was having doubts and questions too. Today, I started thinking that I should value the challenge more, and be more positive about it.
That Michelangelo quote settles it.
take care,
Jean (Paris, France)