Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Autenticity, a new trend in the tourism industry

Doing my research for the new venture I am working on I am definitely becoming a kind of an expert on new trends in tourism and traveling...

I just happen to find some very interesting articles on what's going on and this one really caught my attention...

Authenticity is the latest buzzword in tourism. Fed up with mock European resorts; increasingly embarrassed by theatrical performances staged especially for tourists; and curious about different cultures and ways of life tourists want 'real' and authentic experiences – and they are prepared to pay for it.

Excerpts from an article by Justing Francis | responsibletravel.com
Read more here

It is finally happen, ClubMed generations are 'out'... People are looking for 'real' things, real experiences, real life... Maybe we are getting fed up with so much surreal stuff around us and we are starting to turn to one another to find sparkles in our eyes and our way of living life...

Maybe we are just exploring the world in deep and we are just not anymore interested in going global, but into discovering the real essence of life at local level, in our communities, neighborhoods and small towns... Trying to discover new ways of being and doing...

I don't hope anymore, I am participant of this new trend. Life is exciting.


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