Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Do You Have The Guts???!!! Then ASK ME!!!

I have been Playing The FBI Game ~

You Have 10 Questions.
You Ask One By One And I Answer One By One with TOTAL Honesty.
You don´t have to answer any questions.
Unless you want me to ask you as well after I have answered all yours.
My goal is to get to recognize myself better through my answers to your questions.
And get to know a bit more about your perception of me through your questions.

Wanna Play?

If you wanna play, just leave a comment in this post.
I am looking forward to the courageous ones.

I am leaving you a cool song called "Questions" by Blaque [video url].

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Brahms said...

I wanna play!

What do i have to do?

Dey Dos said...

Just get me online in Facebook, or MSN or Skype and then we just get started...
I will explain the rules once we get started.

