Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Have you ever been discriminated??!!

I have.
Several times.

It is unfair that just because some people cannot understand how I love or just because they disagree on the way I love, I have been discriminated.

Imagine you are discriminated because you think different, or because you disagree...

Right now, there is a petition for the EU against discrimination.

The full text of the petition is very simple...

I declare my belief that protection of human rights should be a fundamental
principle of the European Union. It is vital that the millions of people
currently excluded from anti-discrimination legislation in access to goods and
services are given the equal rights they are entitled to as European

I hereby call on MEPs and EU Member States to support proposals from the
European Commission to bring forward a directive to outlaw discrimination in
access to goods and services on grounds of disability, age, sexual orientation
and religion as soon as possible, in line with the commitments made by the
Commission in its 2008 work programme.

If you agree with this, please follow the link and sign the petition.

I believe in a better world for all of us, together.
I have signed!

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Alesita said...

Hello my darling,

I just want to say that you are just an amazing person, there is ignorant people on the world, so just remember we are a lot of people who loves you so much.


Dey Dos said...

So beautiful Alecita!!!

What's next after Spain?

Please do not forget to sign the petition and ask people that care to sign it as well :)

Thousands of besitos


PS: Thanks a lot for your remarks anbout me. Love you too...