Friday, March 28, 2008

Arigato Japan...

Well I am back home...

My trip to Japan has been astonishing! I have so much refreshed my soul in that couple of weeks that is hard not to "tear - tear" all around as one beautiful individual taught me at the conference in Tokyo.

I want to thank AIESEC, AP GN and the CC for an extraordinary experience.


I would love also to make explicit my desire to see again each one of the people in the faci team...
You guys are amazing!!!

You have with you the light of the determination, the lightness of youth and the enlightment of the wise...
God bless you all and each one of you.

I love you.

Thank you for give me the space to be and believe I am a good person :)

Few times in life you meet for such short time with such intensity.

Let life give us more times like the ones we lived together in Japan.
Let ourselves be courageous enough to strech our limits more often.
Let it be.


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