This is my place..
This is my space...
This is the nest where my ideas and dreams are nurtured...This week I am defining together with our IT vendor in India and our amazing graphic designer (the best one of the world!) the prototype of our online platform.
Exciting times full of busy days and crazy 'pop corn' ideas...
Thing are definitely starting to take shape, I have seen some screens working already and it looks and feels awesome!
A complete platform that does not need any training to be used; completely user friendly and based on cutting edge technology for the tourism world in terms of usage of WEB 2.0 for purposes that go beyong the business and touch the limits of altruism.
I do firmly believe I am blessed.
This opportunities just show up when you are ready, you deserve them and you are open to see and accept them.
Responsible Tourism is without a doubt and new trend that is shaping the traveling world; and if we go further and we discover what Community-based Tourism is, as a concept and as reality, then we cannot help it but feel completely overwhelmed by our desire to experience such adventures.
Authenticity is the new trend in tourism as I wrote before in my blog.
People want to feel and experience 'real-life', not pre-design packs of fake adventures.
I cannot wait till July 2008 when we launch our initiative worldwide. It is going to be such an amazing experience of self realizationa and achievement for me.
So far I have been working alone on the project, of course with the support of my Board, but the work has been done with my two hands and my brain.
Today I also count with the help of the graphic designer and a supporter for internal brand and communications in London.
It feels so cool to have more people to share ideas with and gather inputs from!
My AIESEC experience has been a crucial benefactor for the project.
I have managed IT vendor selection; requirements drafts; design of the user experience; back office portals; brand creation, design and registration; conceptualization of the public image; PR plan; business model creation and projections; budget and finances plan for three years; manuals of procedures; etc, etc...
I have discovered that I am a company myself.
I can see now how I am more than capable to make my NGO later on a complete success.
For the moment, my commitment is given to the trust my Board has placed on me.
I thank God for my chances.
I thanks life for its wisdom.
Here there are two videos I found and prety much describe the area in which I am taking my first steps into the Entreprenurial world...
Enjoy them...
Acerca del que no está, no ha estado, y no estará
15 years ago
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